Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Painting by Ryan Gallagher

since you've all been kind enough to ask, here's one of my paintings:

It's oil and mixed media on canvas and called "Ted Berrigan, Red Shift and the Emperor Wu"


Meaghan S6 said...

TED BERRIGAN! He's everywhere! Very cool. His face looks so much like him! The colors are awesome. I always wished I could learn to draw or never quite worked out...

baoxer said...

Cool stuff Mr. G.

Things that my eye happens to catch:

-Cool brown streak across the head.
-Turquoise shape at nose and lips.
-Orange connecting the three faces together.

The background to the right seems really intricate compared to the left. Cool streaks either way, both sides.

Just curious, why title it “and the Emperor Wu”?


Katie S6 said...

Mr. Gallagher i love this so much.
you should put more on the blog or hang some up in your classroom.
I think freshman year you had some for us to see, but i could be wrong.

Angela S5 said...

This is sooo cool! I didn't realize it was yours at first. I love the colors and the title is interesting too!

Chrizzy Teeny said...

I love the colors like the green-red and the orange-blue and your spontaneous brush strokes. I think your subjects are interesting since all three of you have glasses and some sort of beard. It's like an evolution of writers.

Keep it up, Mr. G!

Could you post one of the little "buddha" paintings that you mentioned about in class?